The Camp Hill Dental Specialist Centre brings together specialists in treating complex and advanced dental needs, and was the brainchild of Doctors Glen Weston ( an endodontist) and Susan Wynne ( a periodontist). As the centre grew, additional specialists joined the team as well as two dental hygienists and we were pleased to be able to work with other visiting specialists.
Most of our patients are referred by their dentists but we welcome anyone seeking treatment in our areas of speciality.
Dr Glen Weston and Dr Susan Wynne acquired our premises at Camp Hill in 2001, with architect Eric Cohen transforming the original medical practice into two dental surgeries while maintaining and enhancing the old Queenslander character of the building.
Glen moved his practice from Capalaba immediately and Susan moved from her Brisbane city rooms to join him in 2003. In 2008 two extra surgeries and an imaging room were added, Dr Ross Fulcher (a second endodontist) was welcomed to the practice and dental hygienists were employed to expand the periodontal side of the practice and provide ongoing care for our patients. Dr Soo Jin Lim is a more recent member of the team of specialists at Camp Hill Dental Specialist Centre and offers periodontal and implant treatment.
Appointments for our visiting specialist can be made by contacting his practice.
Dr David Roberts is a prosthodontist (specialist in crowns bridges and implants)
David’s main rooms are in South Brisbane and he visits Camp Hill on a Monday.
Telephone: 3846 5511